R.L Stine Author Study


R.L Stine

R.L Stine as written over 300 children books. Most of them very terrifying.R.L. Stine has written many children's thrillers. And he has won several new berry awards. He is an author that many children know of him. In the 1990s you couldn't walk into a book store and not see a shelf filled with R.L Stine's books. He has 80 books out and he has sold over 220 million copies.

More R.L Stine

R.L Stine has written many books which I have read over 15 of them. I think they are the best children books that have ever been written. He is by far my favorite author. I think his books are both funny and terrifying. The books by him that I have read so far have been the best books I have ever read by any author. I am getting all of my friends to read his books also. All of my friends like his books almost as much as me. I am a huge fan of his. And i will all ways read his books. I hope he never stops writing his both funny and terrifying books. Keep on writing Stine!